the end

For a long time, I have not been motivated to work on One Last Miracle, and a while back I decided to go on hiatus with it, but recently I have decided a hiatus is not what I want, and instead I'd much rather end One Last Miracle permantely. Truthfully, my mental health has been struggling severely, and I haven't had the motivation to work on any of my projects, let alone One Last Miracle. I looked back on the videos I made of it and I can't help but think they look simply awful. I used to be a very creative person, but I feel now I'm loosing that and fully burning out. I have made a archive of all my One Last Miracle stuff including art, assets, unused things, fanart and more. You can view it here . I may eventually go on to other projects and when i do i'll let you guys know, but in the meantime, i'll be gone from my main accounts other than my discord. thank you, and goodbye for now.